According to that ignorant scamp, Ray Comfort, Atheists can't love birds as much as their jesusy peers. In a short, on-line article (available on his ridiculously stupid website Pull the Plug on Atheism) Comfort ask a series of brainless questions about birds in his attempt to demonstrate that atheists are misguided ones.
Why don't we see fat sparrows? What are they singing about? Who teaches them music? How come they can all sing on key? How do they know that they are sparrows so that they can hang with other sparrows? Birds of a feather do flock together (how many sparrows do you see flying with seagulls?). Are they nervous on their first flight? Who warns them about cats? If it's their mom and dad, how do they communicate with their kids?
As an atheist it must be a little frustrating having no one to thank for all this. How can you not stand in awe at the intelligence of the mind that put all this together? I marvel at the genius of God. Einstein did. Newton did. The atheist doesn’t. He sees the meal but never tastes it...because he doesn’t want to. What a tragedy.
Look, Ray, I know you are pretty dumb, but this is re-fucking-diculous.
To begin with, we know the answers to many of the stupid questions you ask about birds (do you read anything BUT the bible?).
For example, "Why don't we see fat sparrows?" Well, we do, jackass. As a matter of fact, scientists routinely measure and compare body fat in studies of bird health and use body fat as an indicator of quality of diet among other things. We can't see that fat just by looking at birds because birds are covered with feathers, ass.
Another example: "Birds of a feather do flock together (how many sparrows do you see flying with seagulls?)." Seriously, Ray? Are sparrows the only birds you know about? I guess they are one of the few birds mention by name in your ultimate encyclopedia of superstition and myth.
The truth is, moron, lots of birds regularly mix with flocks of different species (even different "kinds" to use your idiotic nomenclature). Even the novice bird-watcher (whether a jesus freak or not) knows that chickadees, nuthatches, wrens, AND sparrows. Another better example is found on beaches. Shorebirds group together in huge flocks often numbering in the hundreds. These are often composed of several species: knots, plovers, sandpipers, turnstones, stilts, snipes and others.
My point is that scientists already have answers to these questions. In fact, scientists spend their days asking even better questions and then trying to answer them.
And as an atheist, I do stand in awe of nature, I just don't attribute the glory of nature to some imaginary tyrant who lives in the clouds and likes to fuck with people. Instead, I give credit where it's due. Nature is divine in itself.
The real tragedy, Ray, is that you think your life is more complete than mine simply because you choose to remain and ignorant fucking man.